" Raging Bull " So, for the second time, [ the Pharisees ] summoned the man who had been blind and said: "Speak the truth before God. We know this fellow is a sinner." "Whether or not he is a sinner, I do not know," the man replied. "All I know is this: once I was blind and now I can see." -- John IX, 24-26, the New English Bible
又是一部打开过几次看了开头但是一看到两个小时就没看下去的电影今天看完嗯不错穿插在里面的指导员的话每一段都觉得有道理233 show me the money!太讲义气了和他的妻子相处模式真让人羡慕哈哈哈哈哈小孩子太可爱了怎么可以这么萌看到最后才发现其实也算是部圣诞电影在圣诞节这一天发现的真爱~ -Men are the enemy. But I still love the enemy. -I miss my..wife. balabala.停顿抿嘴.I love you. you complete me.. -shut up. 喜极而泣.just shut up. you had me at "hello"❤️ big hug!