There is another theory: that two states continue to exist... separate and decoherent from each other, each creating a new branch of reality... based on the two outcomes. Quantum decoherence ensures that the different outcomes... have no interaction with each other.
学哲学的人都常年处于这种痛并快乐着的状态吗 光是这入门课我都好像能看到自己脑细胞一直努力工作手忙脚乱yelling "that's too much!"的样子 永远用逻辑思维武装自己和变得有说服力很重要 (可以反pua) 最喜欢讲死亡和语言那几集 尤其是庄子的生死观 最后苏格拉底简直新晋偶像了"The unexamined life is not worth of living."