感觉就是把各种超英类型片所能用到的桥段来了个集体大杂烩什么徒手拉飞机、智能大boss、满世界豪车机枪炸弹互殴茶杯狐还有相看两不厌的欢喜冤家双男主插科打诨外加英姿飒爽的女主保驾护航发现从妇联到X男到素鸡好莱坞动作片是越来越爱喊“We are 伐木累”的口号了照这个发展下去巨石不就成了郭达的妹夫了果真是不是一家人不进一家门
可以说是这几年内看过最优质的科幻剧了 是那种临死前没看到下一季会死不瞑目的那种优质(地狱的那个比喻真是绝:”You know, my mother was an atheist. She used to say that there was good news and bad news about hell. The good news is, hell is just the product of a morbid human imagination. The bad news is, whatever human can imagine, they can usually create.”)