一个关于色情、金钱和犯罪的故事可搭配华尔街之狼食用 挺写实的上世纪八九十年代的华尔街充斥着Money Sex and Drug“纽约就是一个大夜店” cardi b也有参演欧本色出演钢管舞娘罪恶黑名单第三季还是半裸出镜两个胸都露在空气中这胸又大又挺怎么保养的 另女主角是好莱坞很少的亚裔女主虽然女主的妆容按亚洲审美一言难尽但美国人觉得美啊这也反映了美国人对亚洲脸的审美差异
"People act strange around death. There are those who talk about everything... but the person who died. Those who talk about only the person who died. Those who try to cheer you up. And those who can't help but make you cry. And then there are those who say nothing at all. Because they don't have to."