犹记得多年前坐在家乡唯一的影院里看第一部复仇者联盟它给我的感受是无聊至极数年来我从不为如潮好评所动never laid an eye on another Avengers film... 直到今天为了在不远的将来陪小B和小W去影院看那场终局我放下偏执白丝护士自慰喷水流白浆开始看更多的复仇者联盟only to find myself in the same situation again as many, many years ago, bored to death in that little, crappy cinema…
Super. I wish I had watched it before the date. I just love the way this story is. All the braveness, all the efforts, all the kindness, and all the perseverance:) and Kelvin, it's written all over your underwear lololololol