Jake从虚无的宇宙里归来第九季划上句号 这一季是关于羁绊吧父母与来源、Simon与贝蒂糖很多但内核是回不去即使有羁绊也无能为力——最后一集贝蒂给了过去的自己另一个选择然后告诉普通哥“As I started into that endless white voidI came up with a plansave my Simon!”
四星半里面的人物塑造很值得玩味啊盲井在线观看特别是Mr.ntr妄想症而且生活在十八世纪的菲尔丁就已经在表达a man is judged in societal level by what he possesses (property/the right to inherit the property in the context of this story), rather than what he has done(之前看过的书里有强调这是消费社会的产物); a man is judged by what he looks like in playful situations拍摄手法也很有趣超爱英式幽默