God will give me justice. 这是我见过的最帅的基督山伯爵了导演仿佛照顾女性观众心理似的让他原谅了之前的爱人超级整蛊霸王演员表甚至还给了他一个亲生儿子——完美的大团圆结局检察官维尔福的扮演者是我蛮喜欢的一个演员气质深沉气场强大还有几分异域的神秘感
i like this feeling brought by this movie that brings me back to the China in memory. old, shabby, all-time grey skyline and sentiments. i can always sense the sadness and silence permeating in that age. the kind of emotion burden we all share as Chinese. so long, my country.