Maybe the one reveals most complicity of human nature in the triology, however I was not move. Questions: 1. How did the bad man won the first round? The count numbers to 32, what does it mean? 2. What are the two hunters thinking when they get down to the basement? And why did not the bad man realize that the money was stolen?
金鸡影展盲选的好片子一个未成年少女独自来到异国他乡去把离家多年因意外去世的父亲遗体带回家的故事如何从他人的口中去拼凑出一个“最熟悉的陌生人”一个“与他人无异”的不起眼的人进去插几下就射这样的故事有很多题材上看并不新鲜但是架不住剧本很好很稳健情绪也很饱满真挚结尾处女孩选择与父亲和解但同时保持与自己不和解我喜欢这个处理方式亲情自然无法尽随人愿但did his best或许已经是他能给自己人生做到的最好注解了