哀乐之间举重若轻游刃有余 “all thoes years he suffered those were the best years of his lifecause they made him who he was.all the years he was happytotal waste...high school those are your prime suffering years”“life's one fucking beauty contest after another.if i wanna fly i'll find a way to fly"谁都会是loser 只要置身于现实世界 一切没有变好 只是有很多人和你一样
【伽罗翻白眼流口水流眼泪全身照】之后恐怖片里面最出色的复古电子BGM定点准确的推拉摇移镜头甚至有种【17岁日本免费BD完整版观看】的挥洒自如诗意与惊悚并存的奇诡氛围配搭青少年性觉醒与彷徨的隐喻让新奇的pass it on创意点子反倒不是那么抢眼这不算是顶级的惊悚片但是确实是一流的暗黑青春题材电影比当初【马老师jk】更胜一筹