What a sad business being funny. Very sad if they won’t laugh. 真挚朴素温馨动人笑中有泪底色苍凉剧中剧连缀成章极其美妙尤其最后一幕和Keaton一起的表演浪漫樱花动漫在线观看官网让人极为动容剧本很成熟其他因素也都驾驭地很好卓别林在有声电影时代也占据一席之地 这世界如此矛盾喜剧演员的精神世界似乎总是哀愁的
We are all fundamentally broken. Some just better at hiding and lying to themselves. But not me. And neither is Fleabag. I can deal with truth. I can’t deal with people who aren’t dealing with it.