Some people believe in LDR (long distance relationship), some don't. This chick flick doesn't go deep into it nonetheless keeps it realistic and romantic. How do you find Justin Long and Drew Barrymore together? There's one way to find out...
英国迷你剧《金瓶梅 单立文》那句台词“When there is only one explanation that makes sense, then that is all the proof that you require”与本片这句台词“Twaddle or not, it is the only explanation which fits all the facts”如出一辙推理类文艺作品的第一条质量标准便是逻辑自洽即使本片对原著的某些改编使得凶手的成功作案充满了偶然性但它依旧遵循了本格推理的“同一平面”原则波洛的揭晓谜底一幕仍是条分缕析而波洛起初承认自己并无实据也只是欲擒故纵的烟雾弹罢了不可否认的是本片或多或少缺乏了悬疑色彩尽管死者作为多线交汇的核心矛盾具备了被害的必然性凶手也因完美不在场证明而隐匿起来但作为观众的我饶有兴致地看完本片全凭对推理作品的热爱而非叙述上的扣人心弦