“We are young and ashamed. ”从LGBT视角看青年人的身份认同从小心翼翼的乡下男孩到光彩熠熠的明星;从忍气吞声的小学徒到被认可拥有打印店钥匙的快乐员工;从被家里人驱魔到放弃虚荣直面侮辱自己的议员…“I’m gay. ”他们因为成为自己而骄傲但社会让他们被迫觉得“羞耻”觉得自己不应被正确对待其中最深的伤害甚至来自亲人RTD很温柔在现实里可能父母永远不会道歉像西装店老头那样的当权者并不会被抓而是在毁灭一个又一个年轻人后享受赞誉离世而今我也即将离开青年时代三十年来我体会过无数次单纯因为我XXX就觉得我是错的的偏见这里的XXX可以换成年龄性别等等如今我可以平静地对他们说句“管好你自己”但那些时光终究是逝去了如果说欧美性猛交XXXX乱大交3那全人类都是有罪的
Look, what his country has done to him!!!! Eli is such a charming man. He is the real patriot that I had ever seen.I can't imagine a man like Eli who gives up his humanity for his country. However, it is complicated to figure righteousness between Syria and Israel. What if the story is told from Syria's point of view? All the spy in world is path