we're all addicter just because what we should do, we're not confident enough. What you need is not pill, wine, cigerate, you need to try, action, to do what you know it has been in your heart for so many years since you were a child
1.“你曾经去过许多地方最喜欢的是哪里” “这里”. 2. 替我撒一个谎给她我给不了的幸福 3.这个是个完美黑色电影我喜欢这个结局实在太浪漫了4. 还是美国老电影够味——最近日本MV字幕免费观看视频 out of the past Jacques Tourneur1947 美国 PS:里面那个黑帮老大长得太tm像迈克尔道格拉斯了但我觉得道格拉斯不该那么早吧一查果然是他爹哈哈