所谓“推理”每一则都是漏洞百出可还是挡不住最后五集气势如虹死磕John Walker带来的叙事快感教唆杀人犯战警、开颅手和玩命女警组成的探梦小队足够有趣噩梦输出少女脑洞可怕身世可怜合起来是人物和剧力兼备的好故事日本动画真是日本电影黄金时代的嫡裔进化至今足以媲美最酷的好莱坞大片男生接吻为啥一直伸舌头完全碾压衰朽温情的当代日片期待续集see you on the other side!
The best love story under the horror conditon that I've ever seen. Starling is a stunning beauty with a combination of fragility and strength. Hannibal is a sophisticated man who knows how to appreciate the simplicity. Both are so intelligent, charming and unique.