之前所熟知的一直是是那个作为古装动作片导演的胡金铨透过这个纪录片又对于那个作为天涯游子的胡金铨多了几分了解也是第一次知道他晚年筹划化工血泪史原来距离开拍已经如此之近看完三个多小时脑子里只剩下钟玲那句话真正的艺术家这辈子认识不了一两个 PS:学到一个无用的知识原来台北都一处的英文叫做do it true
An act of love without the need for thanks. A gift which was not given as a debt implied. But you never saw his bravery. Never felt the warmth of his selfless compassion. That is the spirit of Christmas. But you were numb to him, lost to all affection. In the end, love cures.