漫不经心的长短裤脚若有所思地紧蹙眉头艾莉沉沦在自卑中日复一日如果不是在保罗身后借用其名地去爱去画那些大胆笔触去分享那些文学作品无人区码一码二码三码网页或许就算是和自己心爱的人躺在水里欢度时光她可能也不知道自己原来还有爱的能力所以才说“Love is messy and bold”吧因为懂太多 于是爱得便太难了那么 不如好好释放自己 在火车上撒下泪水 勇敢做只狗熊吧
We're aII pretty smaII in the big scheme of things... and I suppose the most you can hope for is to make some kind of difference. But what kind of difference have I made? What in the worId is better because of me?...