OH MY GOD! I didn't remember why I was so stupid to not have sit through the whole movie in the theater back in early 2003. Might have been that I didn't understand musicals back then, but after seeing "Hairspray" on DVD, I thought I'd give "Chicago" anot
根扎得很实的氛围电影电玩城夜市溜冰场和James Dean (Rebel without a cause)的对视热带倾盆而下的大雨…在城市之间日夜的逃窜在水漫金山的小屋里获得临时的避风塘蓝光修复版有一种颗粒感的画质倒不像20年前那么久远蔡明亮的英文片名都取的好玩Rebels of a the neon god. 4.5