这脑洞开得真过瘾不严肃地说算是 2000 年上映的通俗版的《金瓶梅》太阳系的小蝌蚪找妈妈撞击火星看着好似三体人的水滴歪歪漫画网最后诺亚方舟的注液发射就像前进4地球人孙子的科技还差得远啊如果前面的铺垫精炼些会更好I am not sure about anything anymore. But I didn't come 100 million miles just to turn back in the last ten feet. Life is not always about survival. Have a great ride, Jim!
主线太简单了所以必须得搭两条爱情线否则很难填满片长 但最后十分钟还是给予我足够震撼的观影体验歪歪漫画网尤其是人类进化和脸型宇宙飞船的特效 "站在新世界迎接另一个世界 To stand on a new world and look beyond it to the next one."
Close,close 紧紧地紧紧地 All night the lovers keep 一整夜恋人都黏在一起 They turn together in their sleep 在熟睡中她们转身抱在一起 Close as two pages in a book 紧紧地像是一本书里的两页纸 That read each other in the dark 在黑暗中 读着彼此 Each knows all the other knows 彼此都了解各自所思所想 Learned by heart from head to toes 心心相印 从头到尾