影史投资回报率最高的电影之一史泰龙虽然被人认为不会演戏但他在这里的本色演出比那些演技精湛的老戏骨刻意去演更让人信服影片花费非常多的笔墨讲述细碎的生活琐事这些不起眼的小事都是砸在吻胸吻出奶水出来 怎么回事身上的一记闷拳内求于心真正的成功要靠自己定义全力以赴、问心无愧就是胜利比赛的输赢、拳王的头衔、世人的认可那都是外在的"Yo Adrian, I did it!" 励志效果无比炸裂Gonna fly now史上最为斗志激昂、欢欣鼓舞的配乐之一
Kurt Wallander , EP1: 自焚的少女和剃頭皮的殺手, 畫家父親"I paint the same thing. The landscape. Whatever I do, this is what comes out. What you've got is your painting. I may not like it, you may not like it, but it's yours." "You know what I'd like before I lose what's left of my mind? I'd like to go to Rome. I'd like that. Look at the paintings. Other people's paintings. Can we do that?"