Somewhere in Time的旋律令人难忘、迷醉、回味 一张似曾相识的老相片足以摄人心魄让你有意念用现在的光阴来交换过去用如今的生命交换几十年前的那两天因为那是比生命更重要的东西只有比生命更珍贵的什物才会让你甘心放弃生命 如果可以谁又何曾不愿用将会虚度的一些时光易为逝去的“历史”走过的“从前” 但我们对时间的操控即使再熟练再顶真老农民里老干棒媳妇回来了吗也会在一个自己也反应不过来的时光戛然而止只有时间控制我们我们无法控制时间 哭泣无法厮守的恋人只能在无边的时间两岸呼喊彼此的姓名: R
a remake of the Cold War-era 1951 classic The Thing from Another World, also inspired by Lovecraft’s 1936 novella At the Mountains of Madness看完只觉得:is that it? 略失望节奏快人物多且杂乱
"you remind me of him, you know it?" "I do? how?" "well, you were a member of rushmore's beekeepers, weren't you?" "yeah, I was the president of them." "He founded that club." 莫名其妙的就觉得这句台词真可爱 就像这部电影似的 wonderfully and cutely weird, intriguingly touching XD