最后一集太混乱了但是又好像重归起点又回到天台Chester Sam til sunrise. But he finally said good night. So fucked up. 最后是谁来了呢 Young Dumb, broke. That’s the youth ig. Generation Z.
just can’t get tired of American high school drama. really like the scene when everyone was putting something in the baby carriage.
拍人物传记有个问题:要不要照顾当事人自己的感受主角生前觉得自己是perfomer重要的是performance很反感大众挖他的隐私生活某些粉丝自然也有道理你是公众人物你没有个人隐私的权力蛮欣赏导演的处理方式很空泛的剧情经历却又刚好能做音乐背景搭配着这些背景听歌、看表演真是让人肝儿缠的performerance末尾那场Live如临现场震撼、热血、pretty fucking awesome纯路人锻炼完提着健身包在旁边影院看的很感动玩偶姐姐免费资源其实很多东西不需要讲的都在歌词里People tell you who they are,but we ignore it,because we want them to be who we want them to be.