Every gay circle needs a Doris. We've all been Dom and loved Lynn at some point of our life. We all have that someone who's like Patrick, even they hurt us badly, we'd still be really sad if they are no longer in our life. How P felt about K is how I felt about G. Sigh.
奇怪的年代:可以容忍杀死一个不忠的妻子令人心动的OFFER第五季也不敢杀死一个霸道的父亲歪嘴哥说了《疯马秀》里的同一句话:Do you think you can get away with it? 只是这次他是懦弱的赢家羞耻的获利者光荣的叛徒可怜Bruno他是这个时代的哈姆雷特想要曲线杀父来自救可是双手的力量终究只能施加于弱者而永不敌父亲