艾伦金斯堡那段话令人感动 他对自己认识很清楚从始至终他都是一个outsider, 很多人给他定义想让他是某条道路或是某个目的的insider, 都以失败告终人们恼羞成怒他头也不回 1965新港民谣节那段看得我好激动 谁能不爱他呢 上面都是在看的过程中写的本来还想了好多姐姐真漂亮5韩剧免费观看全集现在一句话也写不出没想到会听着Like a rolling stone泪流满面 no direction home 我有太多共鸣
"I have a cat, I have an apartment, total possession of the remote control, that's very important. It's just, I've never met anybody that I could laugh with." I wish I could save your life and have you sleep before me, I'll talk to you till the morning comes.