一份属于女性「东成西就国语」的回忆当暴风雪不再肆虐塔莉穿过草地走向阿比盖尔她们的目光和无法掩饰的笑容让我想起《把男生的坤巴放在女生的定眼里》中那句"I feel I am in love with you, and it should be spring."当然阿比盖尔不是一个世纪后的特芮丝不会在日记本里留下如此「裸艺」的句子但无论是她还是塔莉都用她们的已知与想象、语言与行动毫无保留地表达、相爱为新世界绘制出充满细节的地图
revisited@2018.9: Amazing story telling. So the story is about never give up and it has perfect symmetry in terms of a start and an end for almost every leading actor/actress. Also there are couple exciting scenes throughout the film: the opening climb, the storm, the Nitro, the helicopter and final rescue. Worth looking every ten years.