愿意穷尽这一生去守护海蒂洁白无瑕的笑容Peter失手推下山的轮椅反而成了帮助Klara重新站起来的助力心累 伤感 配图真的给人一种生命的美好会创造无限miracle的感觉“If something in life brings you joy, then you simply have to do it, regardless of what people say.”
被基友安利去看男主的结果一颦一笑一个深情眼神全程代入大舅…… 厨师真是好累的活儿果然还是喜欢大口吃肉… And the fucking huge head of the fucking asshole sitting in the front row just ruined the whole film from the very beginning to the last second!!!