与同类型的许多作品比较而言211在剧本上的短板展露无遗;想展现多条角色感情线的变化和融合但前半段大致营造的气氛后半段荡然无存;警匪片该有的基本动机和细节也毫无说服力不够严谨之余更谈不上扣人心弦;相比之下End of Watch之类的无论在人物塑造和画面调度等都成熟太多;Nicolas Cage一如既往的无法在烂片里发挥任何实质性的演技布袋和尚国语有时候会觉得“发力过猛”也已经成为他现如今的代言词
life is never perfect, and it shall not be. because any desire about making life perfect would ends up failing. but this is not disappoint, because we tried or dreamed once. this also is a farewell song for those rock 'n' roll days which had gone away.