更年期的时候还要被青春期的女儿折磨----大女儿辍学回家二女儿离家出走小女儿会说的脏话比你还多----也太惨了但也能看到点曙光因为失眠去看心理医生买一送一我有五个大佬爸爸 单双的单得到了一个男朋友;背着经纪人去参加了一个话剧演出取得了意外成功却也失去了多年陪伴的经纪人但还能做朋友;50岁生日的时候收到了大女儿和小女儿手作的蛋糕和二女儿温暖的卡片所以啊这就是真实的人生借用去他*的世界里面的一句话再合适不过了“No matter how bad life got, there was always something good. You had to focus on the good.”
Meru is a peak in India, not the highest, but one of the hardest to climb. Three top climbers, an old famous one, a middle-aged cameraman, and a young fearless, took this impossible mission to claim Meru. I watched this one in tears and cheers. What about you?