赵婷仍以氛围见长原来除了女主角人人都在演自己印象最深的是那个癌细胞蔓延到脑部而继续在路上的蓝眼睛老妇——她眼珠的颜色、满脸皱纹的胖大体型和面容竟然令我想起晚年的尤瑟纳尔——她还要去阿拉斯加不要到医院里等死(回到同一影院[Landmark on Embarcadero]看的上次还是《绿巨人www视频网站入口》一年有余了)
里维特的评论:Just look at the shot in Kapo where Riva commits suicide by throwing herself on electric barbed wire: the man who decides at this moment to track forward and reframe the dead body in a low-angle shot—carefully positioning the raised hand in the corner of the final frame—deserves only the most profound contempt.