Skinny Chris Pratt is so handsome (so much more handsome than fat Chris Pratt.) this finale actually would be a fantastic series finale, seeing everyone grows up and got to a new place. And JON HAMM! Despite loving Rashida Jones, I thought her departure (with Chris) actually made the story flow better. Ann Perkins as a character was quite boring.
任由影像放手一搏的敬重与信心比起fire of love显然能感受到一种影像创作者之间的平起平坐给我免费播放片高清在线观看只是相比前半部分捕捉生活化气息的玩味之语主角身影退去转进灾害进入一个更为俯视的视角之时导演对素材的二次诠释产生的陌生和绵软却更进一步一个个雕琢的镜头仿佛只在它们发生的一瞬间产生火花与言语