Stand firm for what you believe in, until and unless logic and experience prove you wrong. Remember, when the emperor looks naked, the emperor is naked. The truth and a lie are not sort of the same thing. And there's no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza.;)
6.8 calm down, it's just a avant-garde blueprint with super normal plot.从这部所呈现的效果来看其实弗里兹朗并不适合拍摄一部表现主义电影拓宽的纵深撕裂了二维的背景他所执着于展现的纳粹般群体无意识的罪恶也与这则资本主义寓言显得格格不入修复版的配乐听得头大
两星半Malignant同款片但本质上却是想拍一部Promising Young Woman最大问题是没法自圆其说因此造成后半段观感一路下滑剧作本身也不少漏洞缺乏说服力樱花动漫在线免费入口其实复古伦敦确实是此类戏码最好的背景舞台之一正如房东所说“伦敦遍地魂魄”然而所谓的反转实则是以一起再现实不过的偶然事件(租房)抢夺焦点由此掩盖女主超现实设定(能看到鬼魂)下的收尾不能看起来就像是先写了60年代的女性复仇戏后顿觉太普通才绞尽脑汁加了一段现代通灵戏将女主的“超能力”前置而非像同类型影片一样偶然触发实际并未高明多少说白了还是调子起太大埃德加·赖特哪怕踏踏实实做昆汀信徒拍一部Once Upon a Time in London都会比现在好很多