网飞的捍卫者联盟最后一部整体节奏还是偏慢一点杰西卡这一人物塑造深得我心(刀子嘴豆腐心表面上不在乎内心里在乎的很丧的样子其实是被逼的英雄不好当:it's a shitty job)翠西受到母亲(回忆篇章里其实她也不是那么讨厌)的影响(她对所谓的“正义”执念较深)与杰西卡在这一点上的分歧是不可调和的黑人小哥虽然没有超能力但他坚守着他自己善的底线(放弃了爱情)而杰瑞律师在很大程度上无所不用其极(为了名誉和利益但却也在最后底线面前收手了)最后杰西卡仍然没有离开纽约看片神器希望还在
5/200 #filmphilosophy This film is from half a century ago so it looks a little bit clumsy from today's perspective. But back in 1946, Cocteau's imagination and the poetic charmare are very triking. Before The French New Wave under the constraints of rigid lines and camera lens structure this film still release a huge imagination.