Just wow. I did not know anything about the movie when I promptly flipped a coin & decided to head out to the theater. What a surprise... Some erotic scenes, some of the most thrilling and hallucinatory images and much suspens. The whole concept is crazy as fuck and I like plots.
歌很棒两方同时唱savages的时候很震撼女主太女神了:美丽、独立、自由自然的女儿男主是完美的爱情完全get到了我女主接纳男主男主尊重女主两人有一种us against the world的感觉动画真是温柔白袜调教XVIDEOS这样一个童话般的结局而现实...唉动物配角非常出彩早期《为什么女人不怕粗短就怕蘑菇头》式不靠台词靠动作的幽默做的很好吃货浣熊和被欺负的“少爷”狗cp感十足