A / 那些“感怀”过于粗率地取代“战栗”的时刻恰恰是急于划定“人物”而露怯的时刻但实际上演员身体与城市空间的结合度已完全不需要这样的塑型丢弃、破坏聚集、散落撑开、挤压开凿、钳制……这些发生在每个角落的动词都被描述为身体和物体的高强度冲撞在这种无处不在的对抗中分界(也正是limbo)的意义被巨细无遗又极度具身地揭露:它可以是视觉无法扫过的一串铁蒺藜阴影也可以是被轻易撞倒的墙;可以是如冰棱般的雨幕也可以是一扇为狂风和身躯同时震颤的门;可以是疾呼的铁轨与废墟之间的咫尺千里也可以是不断散逸渗透的腐臭气息——死亡的分子式感知总会越过这些国产又粗又猛又黄又爽无遮挡成为无可逃遁的终末启示
This broke me. I mean, Amy was flawed, she made a lot of her own decisions, but she was fighting against things that were simply too big and terrible, and all her extraordinary talent and heart could not help her, her friends could not save her, her parents and p.o.s ex-husband held her back, and the world laughed until it was too late.