甜真的太甜了XXXXXL19WAS.WAS这些个姑娘的小心思展现得淋漓尽致另外网飞这电影选角太PC了亚裔女主和欧洲混血小哥、BFF白妞和亚裔男同学好上了、爹爹白人 去世的妻子韩国人 现在see的邻居是印度人and then you feel sad about yourself because you have never been in love in your teenager years and you will never be able to feel this love in the future because you’ve grown out of those innocent ages
三年前看过森田芳光版《斗破苍穹》真的是恐怖片新版看到中途突然回忆起剧情不禁瘆得慌缺少日版中如渗血保龄球之类印象深刻的设计且幽灵螳螂已剧透原来还有韩版《免费观看做差差的视频》XXXXXL19WAS.WAS如何通往地狱人间即是地狱The road to hell is paved with good intentions by Samuel Johnson,