刚开始看的时候会觉得情节有些断层时隔太久再捡起来第一集跨度又很大情节内容的安排又跟着人物的特性走就更加加大了情节复杂、难理解的部分 依然是部好片虽然比起第一季总是差了那么一口气的感觉可能也跟拍摄期遇到疫情有关吧…… 谁也不知道怎么办顶级肉质耐看小说言情没有教过我们面对这样的情况该怎么办 第十集结尾Alex的角色的一句话很适合:stay safe and stay sane.
I just wanna look back and say that I did it the best I could while I was stuck in this place, had as much fun as I could when I was stuck in this place, played as hard as I could when I was stuck in this place, dogged as many chicks as I could when I was