S01E03:三集定律诚不欺我前两集很难看第三集很精彩无论是主要角色还是配角甚至龙套的塑造从此开始丰满隐隐有点激动人心//S01E06:不得不承认浪漫而震撼的奇观为这集增色不少刨去这点这集的抢劫任务拍得很好但不算惊艳//S01E10:安迪•瑟金斯本集的演讲很有凯撒风范这集展现的东西虽然too simple to be true但拍得还是有点激动人心的//S01E12:说实话我觉得这比曼达洛人好看
Gutted!Jesus Christ….这也太TM美好了太解压了; 不堆砌任何理论知识她只是的单纯的告诉你: zs shitty life/world is going to hell eventually, like clammy hands choking u to crash, smashing everything in ur hands, fking reality.(On the piss!?these comments on high horse,i just wish when they tumble off; don’t smack of their heads to the ground,plz: )that’s gross