A man, disillusioned with humanity and in denial of both God and death, falls on his knees at the dawn of a nuclear war, offering his everything for it not to happen. 1. we put ourselves in the chains of our own free will; 2. every gift is also a sacrifice; 3. civilization is built on sin; 4. in "tidying-up" the garden we've destroyed all its beauty; 5. in the beginning was the Word. (And the Word was with God. And the Word was God.)
"Congratulations." "I, Ross, take thee, Rachel..."
“岁月考验了我们的灵魂我们在考验中成长” 美国精神文化输出的成功不是没有原因的独家童话全集免费观看高清完整版作为后来者我们不要一味的拒绝、批判、否定而是要虚心地学习默默地努力师夷长技发展我们自己的文化软实力靠自己的实力赢得世界的尊重与敬佩 “I'm not good without a wing man.I need you.”醉卧沙场君莫笑古来征战几人回永远的Rafe&Danny.