1942年英国小朋友看到学校被德国飞机炸掉后乐翻了天"All my life no other day ever matched that perfect joy - my school lies in ruins, and my river back with the stolen days". 去年11月小渔村的同事告诉我她向小朋友们宣布停课的瞬间全班的反应是-----爆发出雷鸣般的欢呼声刚把这班小朋友哄住隔壁班又传来了一波雷鸣般的欢呼声
The only part I hate is the male athletes... And Marilyn is just so beautiful!!! I love the way she talk and I love how the character is so straight forward!! "Diamonds are a girl's best friend~" 昔の映画って本当にマジカルな世界