Amazing act by Sandra Bullock - challenging movie with a deeply moving ending. The film is powerful in its imact and message. It is harrowing in places but the ending gives you hope, something that is in desperately short supply in the world.
why are we the only two people in the world who think the screenwriters getting high? And please free Diane from your fantasy...即使在家嫌到没事做都没有盼星星盼月亮去期待这一季...恰好看到这一集点进来居然要以这样的方式和这个系列告别唉...还好是个衍生剧黑人最大最粗乱理视频也不算毁了原系列每一个总统走到那个位置都会变成特朗普就像每一个编剧都会在自嗨中迷失自我再见Diane!