来自《黑帮老大和我的365天第二季》杂志编辑Bethany的发问:is Enron overpriced Jeff完美解释为:媒体间的站队对抗Pai Lu蒙着东方的神秘面纱全身而退全剧大赢家背第一口大锅的是CFO老板可以know nothing from the beginning to end. 笑着talk shit的能力需要找到jeff庭审现场进行反复揣摩投行并非是一堆useful idiots只是趋利避害的money dog而已Enron的“分羹”思维办公室挺进老师的屁股眼是它成为华尔街宠儿的重要因素.
If you want to konw me, just watch this movie alone and touch yourself to get warm. You could find the whole me, the damaged one, be longing for love, with desire to pursue interests and career, to be calm and cool. Animal Instinct drives me to thirst for soft touch & sex.