The absurdity of discrimination. Tragedy comes back and forth since the corruption of human nature is timeless. Evil is deeply rooted in pride and ignorance. And for those that have been hurt, oppressed, and persecuted are almost unavoidably biased and extreme on certain issues. The power of reaching out and open-hearts is so rare. Adam Driver太棒了
True love never runs smooth. 纵观全集就是印证了这一点这几年看老日剧最大的收获是被一些台词给击中那种恍然大悟感抑或是心有戚戚焉前任1都会让自己很幸福~因为自己恋爱得晚又短也未曾懂得去积累···这样反倒通过剧集这种媒介找到些许慰藉