相当轻松诙谐却又让人笑中带泪的片子近期看过的爱情电影中最好的两部之一什么是好电影不需要有多宏大的构思多沉重多取巧的话题只需用流畅轻快的节奏讲出一个美好的故事而已儿媳妇夸我比她老公大加上美丽的夏威夷和出色的配乐便能轻易掏空观众的腰包 好喜欢结尾那支改编的over the rainbow
初中看的时候就很不喜欢但成人后看才意识到这电影多么problematic -- quote Molly Ringwald 2018年的影评 Bender sexually harasses Claire throughout the film. When he’s not sexualizing her, he takes out his rage on her with vicious contempt, calling her “pathetic,” mocking her as “Queenie.” He never apologizes for any of it, but, nevertheless, he gets the girl in the end.