本片的开放式结尾(混淆主角现实和想象的经历)贝尔的最后独白门上的“there is no exit”使得要传达对拜金社会的道德沦丧人性丧失这一现象的认识更加绝望和深刻aaa电影让人发觉有病的真正是这个社会很多场段如杀人前不断谈着摇滚乐唱片名片与订位置等很好的表现了这一氛围贝尔演技大赞
“No person of Japanese ancestry living in the United States was ever convicted of any serious act of espionage or sabotage during the war. In contrast, between 1942 and 1944, 18 Caucasians were tried for spying for Japan; at least ten were convicted in court.” FBI说加州全是日本间谍的source 在哪呢一集弃就弃呗反正以讹传讹不犯法