之所以这部剧好看~正是因为里面的男女不再是往日里那种从开篇到结局一直冒傻气一直ruining ur life一成不变的角色~他们会成长会妥协会思考会鉴别会振作会主动解决困扰自身和亲友的难题~看着这转变一点点在发生着~本身就是一种渐进式高潮~what a lady~金发有脑Crystal有态度开得起玩笑社交有度症~未来可期~
“my principal objective: the portrayal of someone in a state of profound alienation from the world and himself, unable to find a balance between reality and the harmony for which he longs, in a state of nostalghia provoked not only by his remoteness from his country but also by a global yearning for the wholeness of existence.” // 但仔细想想目标和现实也有一丢丢距离