This is a remarkable thing of democracy that we are notified by mail to come down to this place to decide on a guilt or innocence of a man we have never heard of before. We have nothing to gain or lose by our verdict. This is one of the reasons why we are strong.
看完从挤作一团的内脏间缓缓长出一口气先我没有语言了完美索福克勒斯式悲剧人类的黄金精神和漆黑意志one way ticket day tripper(以及强烈的报复社会感)开场惊艳至极简直就是马孔多前小半截animal soup of time众生相非常美味最经典的运货那一路简直太超过了……极度紧张使我的内脏全部僵成一块看得肚子好痛这段大量镜头已加入我的best extreme close up shot list卷烟忽然被blow up的安排也骚得不行好喜欢老Jo金句连连“被炸成树上的樱桃”“他们像是从这儿搭飞机走了”(+炸得焦枯的树向天空延展的镜头)风月变这个角色抽抽嗒嗒跑走被mario石头击中那一刻起我被完全迷住了