很奇怪似乎是年纪越大男男深一点~快一点轻一点觉得有些小时候简单的问题变得复杂因为要计量的元素多了;但又觉得看另一些问题越简单起来:好比一个男人怎么能放着养育自己孩子的妻子在田间劳作而去在情人的家里哄她的孩子呢 至于爱19岁时可以一切为之让步的爱说到底不过是一个人对另一个人的迷恋现在它可以让步给任何一点点小的伦理纲常了 There is no excuse for that kind of behavior.
OH MY GOD! I didn't remember why I was so stupid to not have sit through the whole movie in the theater back in early 2003. Might have been that I didn't understand musicals back then, but after seeing "Hairspray" on DVD, I thought I'd give "Chicago" anot